Motatapu Track

Becoming an OTMC Member

The OTMC welcome new members to our club - if you are interested in joining then this page has all the information you need.

To become a member of the Otago Tramping and Mountaineering Club (Inc.), you will need to have completed two OTMC club trips first (these can be day, weekend or longer trips) or the annual Bushcraft course. Once you have completed the qualifying trips you can apply for membership by filling out the 'Application for Membership' form (download from the links below, or pick one up at a club meeting).

The OTMC has the following membership categories available:

FULL MEMBER: This is a single person membership, and provides full membership to the OTMC.

JOINT / FAMILY: This is for two or more people living at the same address - the base membership is for two people, with the ability to add additional members as required (see application form for pricing) - this membership class will receive one copy of any club publications (if printed copies are requested).

JUNIOR MEMBER: This provides the same benefits as a full member - the member must be at Secondary School at the time of application, and membership will end at the close of the financial year of the OTMC after he/she leaves Secondary School.

All OTMC members become members of the Federated Mountain Clubs (FMC) via the club affiliation (the OTMC is a full declaration club to FMC).

To apply for OTMC membership, download a copy of our application form here:

OTMC Application Form: PDF
OTMC Application Form: (MS Word)

To renew your OTMC membership, download a copy of our renewal form here:

OTMC Renewal Form: PDF
OTMC Renewal Form: (MS Word)

The OTMC membership year is the same as our financial year (July 1 to June 30). We will pro-rata the membership fee for new members (only) if you join part way through the financial year. For example, if you join the club in January, the membership will be 50% of the annual fee. This does not apply to current members (a full membership fee is payable for every 12 months of membership).

All OTMC members receive a copy of the quarterly Bulletin You will also receive the quarterly FMC Bulletin (by post only)

The OTMC run a moderated private email list for tramping and outdoor related topics - we encourage all members to sign up for this (you can do so yourself on most pages on this website under 'OTMC on the Web' on the left hand side or by clicking here), or we will do so when your membership is approved (unless you have indicated you would like to opt out from this). The email list is low volume, and you can choose to have the messages delivered individually, or in a daily digest. Contact us via the email link if you need help with the email list.

Once we receive your application for membership, it will be passed on to our Membership Secretary to present at the next OTMC Committee meeting - the Membership Secretary will then contact you directly regarding your membership.

The OTMC is a Incorporated Society, and has Charitable Status. We are governed as set out in our Constitution, new members need to be aware of our objects and rules - you can download a copy here.